Heya! Welcome to my corner of the internet. My name is Luca (among others) and I'm a college student who loves the social aspect of social media without all the, y'know, capitalism! This is my page where I'll post everything from art and writing to collections of whatever I find neat.
Big warning for flashing lights/colors and lotttsss of insects. Plus some horror elements. I'll keep the CW updated.

What are my plans for this site?
Uh. I dunno.
But for reals, I'll add here a list of everything I needa do. When I'll get them done is debateable. I'm kinda in the middle of finals week right now. Scarey.
- Finish my homepage! I planned to add a Guestbook at some point, but that's not a priority. Right now, adding some decor is ideal! Blinkies, graphics, whatever. Stuff that represents me (or at least, the site).
Re-add my music widget (and make it look pretty)! I had it in an earlier version of the site, but it was kinda clunky. She'll be back. I'd never betray Mort Garson like that.- Actually format the main five pages so they lead somewhere. They don't have to have their respective things just yet, but not being blank slates would be a step up.
- Out of all the pages, start working on the 'About' page most importantly. Dunno how I'm gonna format that.

- Been a minute. Tried something new with the "About" page. Didn't get very far. Needa eat.
- Tired.
- Goooood morning! God this is turning into a minor hyperfix. My love for coding has been rediscovered.
- Fixed the blockquote a little, but can't figure out how to make the spaces between each bullet point wider. Ah well. It is what it is.
- My music is back! If you're reading this, she's hidden at the bottom of my Patchnotes. I love you Mort Garson (music subject to change) ♥
- Made the music player smaller because it made a horizontal scrollbar appear on mobile. Don't like that. Sure, you can't skip ahead in the audio track, but why would you? PLANTASIA BEAM!!
- BLINKIES HAVE BEGUN MAKING THEIR APPEARANCE. I have to go to the store now, though. I'll be back..
- I now have twelve blinkies between my divs! IDK why they were so hard to pick but. I think I chose ok.
- 12:50AM. I am going to fight Neocities.
- After much struggle for both mobile and desktop, there is now an "About" page with two flexboxes. I have been wrestling with the goddamn MARGINS for the past hour or so. I am close to tears. Why is there a space at the top.
- Ignoring the annoying margins for now. I have something in my About page now, at least. Not as much as I would like, but it's a start. We're getting there.
- A new day... a new month! Staring it off strong by FINALLY figuring out how to make a navbar at the top. I still needa rework my website so the directory boxes aren't there on the side, but. We're getting to that. I love the dark green of the navbar too... Things are going good! (My head is killing me, though.)
- Oh my god so many things in the span of like, an hour. I got rid of the sidebars, the bottom scrollbar (it was pissing me OFF), fixed the margins on mobile and desktop, and nuked the filler text so now the main text is a bit. Lacking. But that's okay!! I can actually start decorating?? Hello??
- Hi! I've been busy with college. Haven't really worked on this site, but I'll be on winter break soon so... here's hoping this turns into something!
- I haven't updated it yet (may later today if I have time) but I'm gonna change the way I sort my tabs a little. Tryna make the directory less overwhelming. We'll see if I get to that.
- I miss coding...
- Several hours later, there are now less tabs. I just deleted the extras. #productive
- Removed socials because I'll add 'em back to my 'About Me' page whenever I make it. In, it's place, a singular blinkie. I will add more soon later. I'm actually trying to reformat the page so there's only one box but I can't figure it out. It's two AM. I don't know if I will.
- 2:30AM. The box is now floating. My next goal for tomorrow when I'm not working on Finals is to make the box like the directory box on the left. Right now she's ugly but it'll do. I was not built for HTML. She is getting the best of me.
- May the HTML gods have mercy on me for my arrogance.
- HAPPY 21ST OF SEPTEMBER. I'm making it everyone's problem (I'm wearing a disco shirt to class)
- Didn't write it down last time, but I started changing some of the fonts. Why are there so many. Why do none of them look good. I'll figure it out.
- Like. Two hours later. I think I got something (K2D). I looked at so many fonts. My eyes hurt. This is okay. Onto other endeavors.
- Footer made! I'm very sappy in it. I'll get sappier once I make that friends page.
- Made it so the socials tab is collapsable. Honestly, might nuke this at a later point, but the 'About Me' page isn't made yet, so... it'll have to do.
- Got rid of all the filler text the website came with. And also a few sections. Turns out, the website needs to be tall or else the sidebars overlap the footer like CRAZY. Blinkies soon, I promise.
- Added.. a Youtube player on the side? I wanna have music for each my pages but I don't know how to do that yet. I love Plantasia a lot so that'll be the song that plays as soon as you join. This'll be different at some point.
- Good god I've forgotten to eat again. Among other things. My poor bladder.
- Changed blockquote colors!
- The sprouts next to the "Patchnotes" header being tiny on mobile was SO silly but those have a set height now. No more teeny tiny sprouts.
- Fighting for my life here.
- Okaaaayyyy so. I finally got to THIS point of the website. I have this neat little scroll box that'll get bigger if I add more text.
- I have uhh. The sidebars.
- The directory leads to other pages but those aren't made yet. The social media links work though!
- Figured out how to make the scrollbar GREEN!!! There's this weird margin on the side if you scroll, but I made the BG the same color so... virtually invisible. Kinda. I think the solution to that is making the title boxes longer. I'll do that later.
- Fiddled with the colors of things so so so much.
- Things I need to do next: Fix the colors of the paragraph box in the second section, add a music embed to the middle sidebar, add credit to the original layout at the bottom, figure out something to do with the upper links (idk, maybe my carrd or something?), make the headers Better, make the font/text size Better, add blinkies somewhere. Among many other things but this is the start.
- Also forgot to eat. Whoops. I should go. Do That.
- Mort Garson - "Swingin’ Spathiphyllums"
You found my secret music... Congrat...